Fall Houseplant Care

Houseplants that were summered outdoors, should be brought back inside when temperatures reach around 50ºF. It is important to know your individual plant’s temperature requirements. Ones that require warmer temperatures can be brought in earlier, while others may be able to tolerate even lower temperatures and can be left outside longer. Oftentimes, by leaving flowering plants outside during the early fall, the temperature drop between day and night combined with the shorter days will initiate blooming, creating a burst of flowers during this time.

Fall is often a difficult and stressful time for houseplants, so special care should be taken. Plants will be exposed to colder temperatures, lower light intensity and duration, and also much lower humidity (especially for plants used to being outside during the summer). This creates a great deal of stress for the plants, which can leave them susceptible to pests and disease. Be sure to know the signs of pest infestation, and examine your plants closely. Any pest-infested plants should be quarantined and treated immediately.

During the fall, plants may not need to be watered as frequently due to the change in conditions. Watering should be cut back if needed, or else root rot may develop. Additionally, fertilizer should be reduced during this time as well, as many plants will not be actively growing. Some plants may even begin to enter a dormant period.

By taking special care of your plants, and maintaining their proper conditions, your houseplants should be able to make it through this difficult transition time in the fall.

Written by Adrienne Kleintop

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